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Process of Producing All-natural Incense Sticks

The production of our incense sticks requires 8 major steps, namely cutting, pounding, pressing, washing, boiling, curing, kneading and drying, further broken down into a total of 24 minor steps. The key principle of our incense making is to make incense that nourishes the mind and body. To achieve this effect, the production process is complicated and demanding. Depending on the specific type of incense, the production process will also be adjusted. Overall, below is the path taken to get to the final product.


1. [Material selection]【选材】
The most important process is material selection. As the quality of various spices in the world varies greatly due to different origins, we select high-quality spices from the same origin for a particular fragrance. 其中最重要的是选材。因世界上各种香料因产地不同,质量亦相去甚远,因此,一款香我们甄选优质同产地香料。

2. [Grinding ]【研磨】
Various aromatic herbs are pulverized separately, and then the pulverized granules are grounded. Usually, stone mortars, stone mills and other tools are used for grinding. And different fragrances have different requirements depending on the fineness of the fragrance powder.将各种香药分别粉碎,然后将粉碎后的颗粒物进行研磨。通常使用石臼、捣子、石磨等工具进行研磨。并且不同的香品对香粉的细腻程度有不同的要求。

3. [Concoction]【炮制】

The processing of concocting fragrances is similar to that of Chinese medicine, through steaming, boiling, frying, moxibustion, firing, roasting, etc. The purpose of processing is to correct or strengthen certain characteristics of the incense, and to help it achieve the expected fragrance.


4. [Ensuring Compatibility]【配伍】
The compatibility of incense prescriptions is the key to incense making. The ratios of aromatic herbs, the compatibility of combined aromatic herbs, and fine-tuning of the hierarchy of scents between aromatic herbs are major criteria. It is carried out through mastering the rhythm and timing of incense making and the theory of harmony between man and nature in traditional Chinese medicine.


5. [Hand molding ]【手制成型】
After the incense powder is synthesized, natural binders are added to form an incense mud ball; it is then kneaded and beat repeatedly, so that all kinds of incense medicine powders are fully integrated, the texture of the whole incense mud becomes tighter, and the produced incense becomes not easily breakable. Then the fragrant mud is put into an earthen pot for a period of time to make it softer and more elastic. After this, it can be shaped according to the shape of the fragrance.

香粉合成后,加入天然黏合剂并和成香泥团,反复揉搓、摔打香泥,使得各种香药药粉充分融合,并且使整个香泥的质地更加紧密,使得保证制作出来的香不容易断裂。 再把香泥放入陶罐中饧上一段时间,让香泥更加柔软有弹性。饧好后可根据香品形状进行定形。

6. [Drying] 【阴干】
In order to prevent the incense from deforming during the drying process, a hemp rope is placed in the middle of a wooden frame, and the incense is placed on the hemp rope to dry in the shade. It needs to be placed in a ventilated place without sunlight to allow it to dry naturally, so as to ensure that the spices and medicinal materials are better blended.


7. [Storage]【窖藏】
After the incense is dried in the shade, it is stored in a place away from light and of suitable humidity and temperature, so that the spices and medicinal materials can better integrate and interact with each other; in this way the aroma becomes layered and integrated. River clay pots are used to store incense, so the cool air of river mud can drive away the hotness and dryness in the incense.


8. [Packing]【包装】
This depends on the type of fragrance. The incense is packed in a container chosen for the attributes and characteristics of the component spices.


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